In order to be able to have a solid basis for processing an image with similar results to the way humans do we need to “see” the image in the same way.  Unfortunately we don’t really have a model for converting an RGB bitmap into an image as it would be seen by the human eye.  The closest model is the CIECAM02 model published by the CIE.  Unfortunately much of the articles discussing this are hidden behind paywall and so the field advances very very slowly.  Still, Billy Biggs with a little help from Nathan Moroney from HP have published an implementation for CIECAM02 in C.  So here is an adaption for c#.

There are a number of paywalled articles which discuss flaws with the CIECAM02 algorithm and a number of possible future correctives are being examined by the CIE.  Perhaps the element the most relevant to image processing however is that we gain greater depth perception with 2 eyes rather than 1 eye.  So logically the image as it is perceived by each eye should be slightly different.   This is not currently represented in the algorithm but something to be considered.   The choice of illumination should not really matter (we are able to understand the same image in a variety of settings).  There should however be sufficient contrast to the white point to be able to resolve the differences in color.  It seems to me that the selection of the white point should also be somehow derivable from the RGB image as we are able to analyse an image 

    /* this code is adapted from the work of Billy Biggs and Nathan Moroney
     * The following is an implementation of the forward and inverse
     * functions for XYZ to JCh values from CIECAM02, as well as a function
     * to return all of J, C, h, Q, M and s.  It has been tested against the
     * spreadsheet of example calculations posted by Mark D.  Fairchild on
     * his website (
     * This code should be used with XYZ values in 0 to 100, not 0 to 1 like
     * most of my other code uses.  For input from sRGB, I recommend that
     * you use these values: D65 whitepoint, 20% gray, La value of 4 cd/m^2
     * to correspond to an ambient illumination of 64 lux:
     *  la = 4.0;
     *  yb = 20.0;
     *  xw = 95.05;
     *  yw = 100.00;
     *  zw = 108.88;
     *  The f, c and nc parameters control the surround.  CIECAM02 uses
     *  these values for average (relative luminance > 20% of scene white),
     *  dim (between 0% and 20%), and dark (0%).  In general, use average
     *  for both input and output.
     *  // Average
     *  f = 1.0; c = 0.690; nc = 1.0;
     *  // Dim
     *  f = 0.9; c = 0.590; nc = 0.95;
     *  // Dark
     *  f = 0.8; c = 0.525; nc = 0.8;
     * J is the lightness.
     * C is the chroma.
     * h is the hue angle in 0-360.
     * Q is the brightness.
     * M is the colourfulness.
     * s is the saturation.
    public struct CIECAM02Color
        public double x, y, z;
        public double Lightness; // J
        public double Chroma; // C
        public double HueAngle; // h
        public double HueComposition; // H
        public double Brightness; // Q
        public double Colorfulness; // M
        public double Saturation; // s
        public double ac, bc;
        public double asl, bs;
        public double am, bm;

    public class CIECAM02
        double xw, yw, zw, aw; // reference white point
        double LuminanceAdaptingField; // La
        double LuminanceFactorBackground; // Lb
        double BackgroundLuminousFactor, z;
        double IncompleteAdaptationFactor; // F
        double ImpactOfSurround; // c
        double ChromaticInductionFactor; // Nc
        double adaptation; // d
        double nbb, ncb, fl; 

        /// <summary>
        /// Setups up initial viewing conditions
        /// </summary>
        public CIECAM02(double xw, double yw, double zw, double la, double yb, int surround)
            this.xw = xw;
            this.yw = yw;
   = zw;
            this.LuminanceAdaptingField = la;
            this.LuminanceFactorBackground = yb;

            // Xw, Yw, Zw, La, Yb and surround
            // surrounds are 1 - average, 2 - dim, and 3 - dark.
            if (surround == 1)
                 * Average
                IncompleteAdaptationFactor = 1.00;
                ImpactOfSurround = 0.69;
                ChromaticInductionFactor = 1.00;
            else if (surround == 2)
                 * Dim
                IncompleteAdaptationFactor = 0.90;
                ImpactOfSurround = 0.59;
                ChromaticInductionFactor = 0.90;
            else if (surround == 3)
                 * Dark
                IncompleteAdaptationFactor = 0.800;
                ImpactOfSurround = 0.525;
                ChromaticInductionFactor = 0.800;

             * Read in and compute the parameters associated with the viewing conditions.

            BackgroundLuminousFactor = yb / yw;
            z = 1.48 + Math.Pow(BackgroundLuminousFactor, 0.5);
            fl = Compute_fl(la);
            nbb = 0.725 * Math.Pow((1.0 / BackgroundLuminousFactor), 0.2);
            ncb = nbb;
            adaptation = IncompleteAdaptationFactor * (1.0 - ((1.0 / 3.6) * Math.Exp((-la - 42.0) / 92.0)));
            aw = achromatic_response_to_white();

        private double achromatic_response_to_white()
            double r, g, b;
            double rc, gc, bc;
            double rp, gp, bp;
            double rpa, gpa, bpa;

            xyz_to_cat02(out r, out g, out b, xw, yw, zw);

            rc = r * (((yw * adaptation) / r) + (1.0 - adaptation));
            gc = g * (((yw * adaptation) / g) + (1.0 - adaptation));
            bc = b * (((yw * adaptation) / b) + (1.0 - adaptation));

            cat02_to_hpe(out rp, out gp, out bp, rc, gc, bc);

            rpa = nonlinear_adaptation(rp, fl);
            gpa = nonlinear_adaptation(gp, fl);
            bpa = nonlinear_adaptation(bp, fl);

            return ((2.0 * rpa) + gpa + ((1.0 / 20.0) * bpa) - 0.305) * nbb;

        static void xyz_to_cat02(out double r, out double g, out double b,
                          double x, double y, double z)
            r = (0.7328 * x) + (0.4296 * y) - (0.1624 * z);
            g = (-0.7036 * x) + (1.6975 * y) + (0.0061 * z);
            b = (0.0030 * x) + (0.0136 * y) + (0.9834 * z);

        void cat02_to_hpe(out double rh, out double gh, out double bh,
                          double r, double g, double b)
            rh = (0.7409792 * r) + (0.2180250 * g) + (0.0410058 * b);
            gh = (0.2853532 * r) + (0.6242014 * g) + (0.0904454 * b);
            bh = (-0.0096280 * r) - (0.0056980 * g) + (1.0153260 * b);

        static double nonlinear_adaptation(double c, double fl)
            double p = Math.Pow((fl * c) / 100.0, 0.42);
            return ((400.0 * p) / (27.13 + p)) + 0.1;

        private static double Compute_fl(double la)
            double k = 1.0 / ((5.0 * la) + 1.0);
            return 0.2 * Math.Pow(k, 4.0) * (5.0 * la) + 0.1 *
                 (Math.Pow((1.0 - Math.Pow(k, 4.0)), 2.0)) *
                 (Math.Pow((5.0 * la), (1.0 / 3.0)));

        public CIECAM02Color CreateColorFromXYZ(double X, double Y, double Z)
            CIECAM02Color color = new CIECAM02Color();
            color.x = X;
            color.y = Y;
            color.z = Z;
            color = forwardCIECAM02(color);
            return color;

        public CIECAM02Color CreateColorFromJCh(double J, double C, double h)
            CIECAM02Color color = new CIECAM02Color();
            color.Lightness = J;
            color.Chroma = C;
            color.HueAngle = h;
            color = inverseCIECAM02(color);
            return color;

        private CIECAM02Color inverseCIECAM02(CIECAM02Color theColor)
            double r, g, b;
            double rw, gw, bw;
            double rc, gc, bc;
            double rp, gp, bp;
            double rpa, gpa, bpa;
            double a, ca, cb;
            double et, t;
            double p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, hr;
            double tx, ty, tz;

            xyz_to_cat02(out rw, out gw, out bw, this.xw, this.yw,;

            t = Math.Pow(theColor.Chroma / (Math.Sqrt(theColor.Lightness / 100.0) * Math.Pow(1.64 - Math.Pow(0.29, this.BackgroundLuminousFactor), 0.73)), (1.0 / 0.9));
            et = (1.0 / 4.0) * (Math.Cos(((theColor.HueAngle * Math.PI) / 180.0) + 2.0) + 3.8);

            a = Math.Pow(theColor.Lightness / 100.0, 1.0 / (this.ImpactOfSurround * this.z)) *;

            p1 = ((50000.0 / 13.0) * this.ChromaticInductionFactor * this.ncb) * et / t;
            p2 = (a / this.nbb) + 0.305;
            p3 = 21.0 / 20.0;

            hr = (theColor.HueAngle * Math.PI) / 180.0;

            if (Math.Abs(Math.Sin(hr)) >= Math.Abs(Math.Cos(hr)))
                p4 = p1 / Math.Sin(hr);
                cb = (p2 * (2.0 + p3) * (460.0 / 1403.0)) /
                 (p4 + (2.0 + p3) * (220.0 / 1403.0) *
                 (Math.Cos(hr) / Math.Sin(hr)) - (27.0 / 1403.0) +
                 p3 * (6300.0 / 1403.0));
                ca = cb * (Math.Cos(hr) / Math.Sin(hr));
                p5 = p1 / Math.Cos(hr);
                ca = (p2 * (2.0 + p3) * (460.0 / 1403.0)) /
                     (p5 + (2.0 + p3) * (220.0 / 1403.0) -
                     ((27.0 / 1403.0) - p3 * (6300.0 / 1403.0)) *
                     (Math.Sin(hr) / Math.Cos(hr)));
                cb = ca * (Math.Sin(hr) / Math.Cos(hr));

            Aab_to_rgb(out rpa, out gpa, out bpa, a, ca, cb, this.nbb);

            rp = inverse_nonlinear_adaptation(rpa, this.fl);
            gp = inverse_nonlinear_adaptation(gpa, this.fl);
            bp = inverse_nonlinear_adaptation(bpa, this.fl);

            hpe_to_xyz(out tx, out ty, out tz, rp, gp, bp);
            xyz_to_cat02(out rc, out gc, out bc, tx, ty, tz);

            r = rc / (((this.yw * this.adaptation) / rw) + (1.0 - this.adaptation));
            g = gc / (((this.yw * this.adaptation) / gw) + (1.0 - this.adaptation));
            b = bc / (((this.yw * this.adaptation) / bw) + (1.0 - this.adaptation));

            cat02_to_xyz(out theColor.x, out theColor.y, out theColor.z, r, g, b);

            return (theColor);


        static double inverse_nonlinear_adaptation(double c, double fl)
            return (100.0 / fl) * Math.Pow((27.13 * Math.Abs(c - 0.1)) / (400.0 - Math.Abs(c - 0.1)), 1.0 / 0.42);

        static void hpe_to_xyz(out double x, out double y, out double z,
                        double r, double g, double b)
            x = (1.910197 * r) - (1.112124 * g) + (0.201908 * b);
            y = (0.370950 * r) + (0.629054 * g) - (0.000008 * b);
            z = b;

        static void cat02_to_xyz(out double x, out double y, out double z,
                          double r, double g, double b)
            x = (1.096124 * r) - (0.278869 * g) + (0.182745 * b);
            y = (0.454369 * r) + (0.473533 * g) + (0.072098 * b);
            z = (-0.009628 * r) - (0.005698 * g) + (1.015326 * b);

        static void Aab_to_rgb(out double r, out double g, out double b, double A, double aa,
                        double bb, double nbb)
            double x = (A / nbb) + 0.305;

            /*       c1              c2               c3       */
            r = (0.32787 * x) + (0.32145 * aa) + (0.20527 * bb);
            /*       c1              c4               c5       */
            g = (0.32787 * x) - (0.63507 * aa) - (0.18603 * bb);
            /*       c1              c6               c7       */
            b = (0.32787 * x) - (0.15681 * aa) - (4.49038 * bb);

        CIECAM02Color forwardCIECAM02(CIECAM02Color theColor)
            double r, g, b;
            double rw, gw, bw;
            double rc, gc, bc;
            double rp, gp, bp;
            double rpa, gpa, bpa;
            double a, ca, cb;
            double et, t, temp;

            xyz_to_cat02(out r, out g, out b, theColor.x, theColor.y, theColor.z);
            xyz_to_cat02(out rw, out gw, out bw, xw, yw, zw);

            rc = r * (((this.yw * this.adaptation) / rw) + (1.0 - this.adaptation));
            gc = g * (((this.yw * this.adaptation) / gw) + (1.0 - this.adaptation));
            bc = b * (((this.yw * this.adaptation) / bw) + (1.0 - this.adaptation));

            cat02_to_hpe(out rp, out gp, out bp, rc, gc, bc);

            rpa = nonlinear_adaptation(rp, this.fl);
            gpa = nonlinear_adaptation(gp, this.fl);
            bpa = nonlinear_adaptation(bp, this.fl);

            ca = rpa - ((12.0 * gpa) / 11.0) + (bpa / 11.0);
            cb = (1.0 / 9.0) * (rpa + gpa - (2.0 * bpa));

            theColor.HueAngle = (180.0 / Math.PI) * Math.Atan2(cb, ca);
            if (theColor.HueAngle < 0.0) theColor.HueAngle += 360.0;

            if (theColor.HueAngle < 20.14)
                temp = ((theColor.HueAngle + 122.47) / 1.2) + ((20.14 - theColor.HueAngle) / 0.8);
                theColor.HueComposition = 300 + (100 * ((theColor.HueAngle + 122.47) / 1.2)) / temp;
            else if (theColor.HueAngle < 90.0)
                temp = ((theColor.HueAngle - 20.14) / 0.8) + ((90.00 - theColor.HueAngle) / 0.7);
                theColor.HueComposition = (100 * ((theColor.HueAngle - 20.14) / 0.8)) / temp;
            else if (theColor.HueAngle < 164.25)
                temp = ((theColor.HueAngle - 90.00) / 0.7) + ((164.25 - theColor.HueAngle) / 1.0);
                theColor.HueComposition = 100 + ((100 * ((theColor.HueAngle - 90.00) / 0.7)) / temp);
            else if (theColor.HueAngle < 237.53)
                temp = ((theColor.HueAngle - 164.25) / 1.0) + ((237.53 - theColor.HueAngle) / 1.2);
                theColor.HueComposition = 200 + ((100 * ((theColor.HueAngle - 164.25) / 1.0)) / temp);
                temp = ((theColor.HueAngle - 237.53) / 1.2) + ((360 - theColor.HueAngle + 20.14) / 0.8);
                theColor.HueComposition = 300 + ((100 * ((theColor.HueAngle - 237.53) / 1.2)) / temp);

            a = ((2.0 * rpa) + gpa + ((1.0 / 20.0) * bpa) - 0.305) * this.nbb;

            theColor.Lightness = 100.0 * Math.Pow(a /, this.ImpactOfSurround * this.z);

            et = (1.0 / 4.0) * (Math.Cos(((theColor.HueAngle * Math.PI) / 180.0) + 2.0) + 3.8);
            t = ((50000.0 / 13.0) * this.ChromaticInductionFactor * this.ncb * et * Math.Sqrt((ca * ca) + (cb * cb))) /
                 (rpa + gpa + (21.0 / 20.0) * bpa);

            theColor.Chroma = Math.Pow(t, 0.9) * Math.Sqrt(theColor.Lightness / 100.0)
                                 * Math.Pow(1.64 - Math.Pow(0.29, this.BackgroundLuminousFactor), 0.73);

            theColor.Brightness = (4.0 / this.ImpactOfSurround) * Math.Sqrt(theColor.Lightness / 100.0) *
                  ( + 4.0) * Math.Pow(this.fl, 0.25);

            theColor.Colorfulness = theColor.Chroma * Math.Pow(this.fl, 0.25);

            theColor.Saturation = 100.0 * Math.Sqrt(theColor.Colorfulness / theColor.Brightness);

   = theColor.Chroma * Math.Cos((theColor.HueAngle * Math.PI) / 180.0);
            theColor.bc = theColor.Chroma * Math.Sin((theColor.HueAngle * Math.PI) / 180.0);

   = theColor.Colorfulness * Math.Cos((theColor.HueAngle * Math.PI) / 180.0);
   = theColor.Colorfulness * Math.Sin((theColor.HueAngle * Math.PI) / 180.0);

            theColor.asl = theColor.Saturation * Math.Cos((theColor.HueAngle * Math.PI) / 180.0);
   = theColor.Saturation * Math.Sin((theColor.HueAngle * Math.PI) / 180.0);

            return (theColor);



Stemming is the process by which various methods are used to reduce words to just the root portion or stem of a word.  For example the stem of running would be run.  The English language has numerous exceptions which makes this process not so straight forward.  It remains questionable however as a method of simplifying the context as by its nature stemming loses information.  Information that can be important in understanding the sentence.  When comparing text, being able to compare text in a tense indifferent way however can be very useful and as a result selective stemming can improve matching.

Alski has written an English language stemmer (based upon the Porter Stemmer) written in c#.  The code can be found here